It´s necessary to read and agreed the terms and conditions to purchase products. We imply that you have read and agreed the terms and conditions of use in this document. Every product in our website might be created, charged, sent or presented by a third party website, if so, they might have their own terms and conditions. In some cases to purchase a product, you should register a user, enter your data and create a password.
The user can change its password at any time to buy any of our products. WWW.ZARKIN.COM assumes no responsibility in case the password is transfer to a third party.
Every purchase and transaction done through this website is submitted to a confirmation and verification procedure that might include stock verification and product availability, payment and bill validation (where necessary), and requested conditions compliance of the selected payment. In some cases email verification might be requested.
The prices of the products online are only valid if they are purchased through the website.
ZARKIN´S website confers a license to every user when buying a product in accordance to the terms and conditions described above.
Where applicable (software, templates or any design and programming product sale) you are not allow to record in a CD, website or any other device, a modified or not product, to resale or redistribute.
You cannot declare intellectual property of any of our products either changed or not changed. The products belong to a content provider. If not otherwise specified, our products are offered without expressed or implied warranty. In no event this company be liable for any damages, including but not limited to direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or loss as a consequence of use or inability to use our products.
If the product is a non-tangible irrevocable good, we do not refund after the product it’s sent, please verified before purchasing. Read carefully the description before purchasing. We might make and exception when the product description doesn’t fit the product. Some products have a warranty and refund but it will be specified otherwise. In those cases, the warranty covered manufacture´s defects when the product was properly used. The warranty does not covered damages due to improper used. The warranty terms associated with manufactures and operation defects of products will be effective only when there was a proper use, this includes:
– Technical specifications for each product
– Environmental conditions according to manufactures specifications
– Specific use according to its design
– Electric operation according to manufacture´s specifications and tolerances.
The purchase might be delay due to antifraud check. It can be suspended for a longer period of time due to a through investigation to avoid fraudulent transactions.
The WWW.ZARKIN.COM website ensures your personal information is protected. The data enter by users or if requested an order validation won´t be conferred to a third party, except for a court order.
The subscription to our newsletter is optional and can be selected when creating an account. ZARKIN reserve the right to change or modified the terms and conditions without notice.